Using LDAP

This section describe the process of configuring LDAP with IceHrm


PHP5 LDAP extension should be installed for LDAP to work. Also make sure all required outbound ports are opened

Before using please install php-ldap module.

For PHP 5.3 $> sudo apt-get install php5-ldap

For PHP 7.0 $> sudo apt-get install php-ldap

For using php ldap on windows please refer

No LDAP for user with username "admin"

The user "admin" will always login with local db username and password (even LDAP is enabled)

Use these config to test LDAP connection with following test LDAP server

Change configs as follows under System->Settings

Setting Description
LDAP: Enabled Yes
LDAP: Server
LDAP: Port 389
LDAP: Root DN dc=example,dc=com
LDAP: Manager DN cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com
LDAP: Manager Password password
LDAP: Version 3 Yes
LDAP: User Filter uid={}

Then create a user with username "riemann" under System->Users

Logout and try login with riemann/password

Issue with LDAP

If you are facing login issues after enabling LDAP, you can still login as user "admin" and disable LDAP

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